Staying Positive During Quarantine
- from Alondra Castillo
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- Columbus High School
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Quarantine can be really rough, especially if you’re a social butterfly. It can be really easy to focus on the negatives rather than positives or spend your entire day lying in bed with the same pajamas you’ve worn for the past three days. It’s okay though, this is a no-judgment zone. But just to help you out a little bit, here is a list of things you can do to be just a little more positive during the quarantine.
Make a schedule. Making a schedule helps you plan out your day, allowing you to see what all needs to be done and what you would like to accomplish that day. Creating a schedule is a great tool to use if you don’t want to spend your entire day lying in your bed covered in Cheeto dust.
Clean. Cleaning helps focus your mind on other things rather than all the stressful events happening around us. Surrounding yourself with a clean environment can also be really motivating to actually do something with your time.
Read. It is always good to take a break from social media or your phone in general. Now is a great time to pick up that book you’ve been putting off to the side and actually read it. Reading allows you to experience a different reality, indulge in a good book and you’ll be feeling good in no time.
Self-care. Since you’re practicing social distancing, you might as well take care of yourself. Relax and set yourself a bath, and just breathe. Put a face mask on and drink water, your skin will be glowing after quarantine. Another form of self-care is exercise. Don’t forget to get up every now and then, go for a run or even a walk just to get moving.
Meditation. Meditating is a great way to get to know yourself. Sit in silence or even listen to a meditation guide. There are plenty of apps that can guide you through your first meditation sessions. Meditating is very relaxing so there is no doubt that you will be stress-free after your session.
Make a new playlist. Music is a great form of entertainment. Listening to music always helps me feel better, especially when I find the perfect song that explains how I am feeling at the time. Go ahead and make a playlist of your choice, I personally prefer making a playlist of songs that make you feel good or hold a backstory to it.
To wrap up, yes, quarantine is not a good time. However, we can use this time to better ourselves and appreciate all the little things in our life. Hopefully, this list helped you try to find new ways to stay positive. Please stay inside, practice social distancing, and wash your hands!