March to the Meridian
- from Gaby Alarcon
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- Columbus High School
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On Saturday, Oct. 13, the Discoverer marching band traveled two hours to the first annual March to the Meridian festival in Yankton, South Dakota. The Discoverers confidently marched onto the field at 1:45 pm and played with honor and servitude to their music.
An hour later, the drumline performed at the drum off, which is where all the drumlines from the competing bands take turns playing their cadences on the field.
In the end, the Columbus drumline was awarded the best drumline. The Discoverer marching band ranked second overall. The band members felt they could have ranked higher however they were glad they got to compete and better prepare themselves for next week.
On Saturday, Oct. 20 the marching band will march over to Kearney at the annual Nebraska State Bandmasters Association. This will be the last competition for this marching season. The entire band hopes to take home a gold trophy that ranks them superior.