Working at the Harrisburg Senators
- from Sierra Bruce
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- Northern High School
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Have you ever wondered what it would be like to work at such a fun baseball field? Well now you can get a sense of it, as my brother works there and would love to share his experience!
First, a little bit about my brother. He played baseball when he was younger and never lost the love of the game and still collects baseball cards for baseball players he follows. In high school, he got into marketing and DECA, now he majors in marketing and has a job at the Senators as the Ticket Account Executive. Sometimes he even dances on the field, and he rocks it. If you ever see a young guy in a green, silver, or zebra suit, that's my brother! He's also played Rascal the River Monster, the Senators mascot, and repelled down a building in Harrisburg. Does he enjoy his job? That's what I wanted to find out.
What got you interested? I love sports and want to be close to professional athletes. They inspire me in so many ways and I love learning about them.
What else would you do besides your current position? Anything in the marketing team and anything that relates to being involved with the players.
What's one thing you love about your job? The fans. I enjoy being around people who love sports just as much as I do.
How do you feel walking into work everyday? It feels like summer camp. It doesn't feel like work. It's like I planned a bunch of parties over the summer and people come to them. It's always a good day when all my co-worker friends are there while I'm working.
Does he still like it when the days are long, or does he dread them? Sometimes, but the lows aren't that bad and the highs are really good when I'm working. Its not the same for everyone, but I enjoy it.
What baseball team is his dream job? The Orioles-I want an office in the warehouse on right field.
What's his favorite time of year? Summer for baseball, but personally fall because the stadium gets very pretty and it's not as hot outside.
How does he feel about being the mascot sometimes? It gets hot. It feels like living a completely different life. I can be different and that takes the anxiety about being the mascot away. Nobody knows who is in the mascot suit, so I can be someone I'm not.
What's the most rewarding aspect about his job? Every game is someone's first time there. When I think about that I want to make it's really special for those people. I talk so much with people but I love knowing I'm making memories for them.
Who are some of the coolest people he's met? Washington Nationals player Evan Lee autographed my baseball cards and I talked to him for a long time. I also did that with Memphasis Redbirds Sem Robberse. I love collecting their cards. I enjoy working with the interns as well, because they come from all around and get thrown into a house. They have so much willingness to work and learn. They're fun to be around.
Who inspires him most? I don't have a clear person, I just love the energy of the fans and the people around me. Even though I don't have a person inspiring me the most, I inspires myself to be the best I can.
Whats something he didn't know about his job? In minor league baseball, there's no full-time grounds crew, so the office puts the tarp on the field. It requires a lot of muscle, and involves early mornings and late nights. I hear a lot of, "there has to be a better way."
Working on a sports field is not what people think. Sometimes my brother sits in the stadium with his co-workers and looks around, admiring where he actually is and how far he has gotten. Plus, someone can be going through something and this game can make their entire day. The Senators got an email from a mother one time. She xplained how her son had only 6 months to live, and said that she has never seen him that excited in a long time. Things like that keep my brother enjoying his job and making it one of the best experiences he has ever had.