East Juniata FFA Has Annual Fruit Sale
- from Ethan Jamison
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- East Juniata High School
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Every year at East Juniata the FFA holds a fruit sale. This fruit sale is a large revenue source for East Juniata FFA. This year over 15,000 dollars worth of fruit was sold by the FFA. The FFA enjoys selling fruit because it is much healthier than many other sales, and it supports farmers all across the country. The FFA student officers spend all day sorting and recounting hundreds of orders. My FFA student advisor Steve Mclaughlin said, “ The shear amount of work that needs to be done in such a short amount of time is incredible”. Every year when we sell fruit we impact our community in a positive way by donating all of our extra fruit to Good News Lutheran Brethren Church. The fruit is then handed out on Christmas Day to the less fortunate in our community.
The true positive impact the fruit sale has on our community in immeasurable. The economic and personal impact this sale has is gigantic for our organization. The fruit sale also gives FFA students a chance to generate revenue to attend events such as Farm Show, ACEs, and State Convention. That way no one is not able to attend because of money if they sell enough fruit. This sale in conclusion provides both a healthy snack and a helping hand to the community.