Destination: Districts
- from Paige Smith
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- East Juniata High School
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As of December 3, all of the 2019 Pennsylvania Music Educators Association [PMEA] District 4 Festival participants were announced, and plenty of East Juniata musicians are among those attending.
From January 10th to the 12th, Greater Johnstown High School will welcome four players for District Orchestra: Margaret Edwards on violin, Zach Leitzel on trumpet, Robert Ferry on trombone, and Paige Smith on clarinet.
District Band will feature five instrumentalists: Zach Leitzel on trumpet, Kylie Elsasser on baritone saxophone, Robert Ferry on trombone, Sierra Gearhart on alto saxophone, and Paige Smith on bass clarinet. This festival will take place from January 24th through the 26th and will be held at Juniata High School.
February 7th through the 9th will bring District Chorus, taking place at Clearfield Area High School. Eight vocalists will attend: Robert Ferry on Bass 2, Nick Pillot on Bass 1, Jeffrey Leitzel on Tenor 1, Paige Smith on Tenor 1, Isaac Austin on Tenor 1, Margaret Edwards on Soprano 2, Kylie Elsasser on Alto 1, and Bella Malocu on Alto 2.
The last of the district festivals, District Jazz, will be from February 14th to the 16th. This festival is of extra importance to the EJ musicians, as it is being held at East Juniata this year. It will feature directors Gunnar Mossblad, Vic Juris, and Paul Murtha. The Mossblad band will have EJ musicians Kylie Elsasser on baritone saxophone, Zach Leitzel on trumpet, and Bella Hund on vibraphone. The Juris band players will include Margaret Edwards on trombone, Paige Smith on alto saxophone, and Bryson Kantz on drum set. The Murtha band will feature Sierra Gearhart on alto saxophone and Robert Ferry on trombone.
These instrumentalists and vocalists will be practicing their music and preparing for all four of these District festivals. At orchestra, band, and chorus, they will have the opportunity to audition to advance to Regional festivals. Good luck to all of these talented musicians!