East Juniata Tag Presents...

East Juniata’s TAG is proud to present their production of “Deadly Ernest.” The play describes the life of a man named Henry Gilcrest, played by Robert Ferry. Henry is a thirty year old man who can’t seem to do anything right. He lives in his aunt’s boarding house, and spends most of his days playing ball with his cousin, Pumpkin. His family is just about fed up with his laziness, and his girlfriend is sick of waiting for him. Henry begins to see that he cannot do anything right. He pays a man named Mr.Bumpus, played by Isaac Austin,  to essentially exterminate him. Henry’s fate now lies in the hands of a stranger. 

Students will be performing this suspenseful, yet hilarious play on November 9th and 10th at 7:00pm. Come see for yourself what happens to Henry! 

Emma Seaman 

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