Taylor Swift's REPUTATION Lives Up To Its Name
- from Riley Brubaker
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- Juniata High School
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On November 10th, 2017 Taylor Swift released her sixth album, Reputation, and it rocked the music world. Everything about this album is new and completely different from her other albums, with fast-paced drums over a low bass drop, rap segments, and more mature lyrics. In songs like “Call It What You Want” and “Delicate” Swift perfectly describes the small moments in a relationship and the fears that come with the start of something new. She mixes sultry vocals and suggestive lyrics to describe more intimate moments and feeling in songs like “So It Goes…” and “Dress.” She also has many songs that call out the media and people who have done her wrong--songs like her first single “Look What You Made Me Do” and “This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things.” Though each song on this album is unique in its own way, there is one huge thing that is consistent throughout the album: they all tell a story.
Reputation is in many ways different from all of Swift’s previous albums, but it is still filled with the boldly open and honest lyrics the pop singer is so well known for. This makes Reputation an album that successfully draws people from almost all corners of the music world, and an album that introduces fans to a whole new side of Taylor Swift. While the album takes a little getting used to, there is no denying that the music can hold its own, and the album lives up to its name: Reputation.