Ephrata AM 3-2-22


Good Morning Ephrata NAMES today is Wednesday March 2, 2022. Please rise for a moment of silence and the pledge to the flag.
The Ephrata National Bank scholarship application is now open for seniors!  Log in to epnb.com to apply for the Hibshman, Brossman, Mellinger, and Wolf scholarships.  Remember to submit your application and any supporting documentation by the due date of March 31st.  See the counseling office with any questions.
Now over to __________ with the news
A brazen cat burglar and his crew of accomplices recently pulled off a bold caper in broad daylight but they didn’t steal anything… except a few million hearts.
When Silvestro, the leader of the notorious “Kitty Gang” found himself shut out of the home he and two dozen other felines share with humans Antonio Bosco and his mom on the Italian island of Sicily, he leaped into action—literally.
Launching himself at the door, the prodigious puss managed to snag the handle and spring it open, allowing himself and his cohorts to breach the perimeter and stampede inside.
“Silvestro the smart cat is also the undisputed leader and protector of our cats,” Bosco told The Daily Mail.
It seems that Silvestro’s inherent bravado is aided and abetted by a keen sense of intuition. After performing an especially fine feat, Bosco reports Silvestro knows he’s going be rewarded with extra loving and treats. “He understands when he’s done something special,” Bosco said.
In other news, today is National Banana Cream Pie Day!
now back to the main desk
That's right, tickets are on sale now for the spring musical, Wizard of Oz March 17-20.  Click on the link on the EASD homepage for more information and ticket sales.
I heard the school was addicted to basketball, but then they rebounded at the Student-Faculty Basketball game TONIGHT! Join us at 7 pm at the Middle School gym to cheer on your classmates as they battle a team of teachers and admin, including Dr. Galen, Mr. Hagen, Mrs. Dietz, Mr. Geyer, Mrs. Calhoun, and more!
There will also be snacks and half court shots at half time for $1 where the points go towards the team of your choice, and there will be Pa. Farmshow Milkshakes to purchase and enjoy!
All proceeds will go towards your high school Mini-THON club! FTK!
See you there!
The Ephrata Esports Valorant A Team defeated Conestoga Valley 13-1 and 13-3 in their first round of their Spring Valorant Tournament.  The legendary Senior Captain of the Valorant team Nick Shubinsky motivated his team with positive comments and fist bumps.  The team will have a match next week against Cocalico.
Now back to the main desk
Who loves a good dance party?? On March 12th Mini-THON will be holding this years spring fling from 7-9PM in the High School gym. Tickets will be sold during lunches from march 8th-11th for $10, or you can get your ticket for $12 at the door. Make sure to have no obligation fees!! "
Have a great day Ephrata!


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