Midterms: A Ballad Poem
- from Cassandra DeGeorge
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- Middletown High School North
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How are you?
I hope you don’t feel blue
I bet you’ve got the world tied on a string.
But come here.
Settle on in
So I could begin
My tale of what mid-terms shall bring.
I have not slept
For just about a week
I spent the whole time cramming
Though my future still is bleak.
Put eight tests in a week
That’s the worst idea of all!
Can’t think about that too long
Or I might just punch a wall.
It’s a week of stressing students
A week of panic attacks
A week to see how long
Our sanity can really last.
The test gets a whole grade
That just gets put behind me
So I can’t bump my eighty-nine
Up one point to a ninety
And apparently one mishap
Could get you out of college
Because apparently one quiz
Amounts to all of our knowledge
But I can’t complain for too long
I have to read my notes
But “The serving team can only score.”
Is all that I have wrote.
Our learning was repetition
Same facts, monotonous as hell,
“Remember the Mitochondria’s
The powerhouse of the cell!”
“Remember Lamarck’s theory
Of evolution was not true.”
“Your eggs are gamete cells.”
‘Cause they’ll ask you that at interviews.
“Renters have a lease.”
“The Renaissance was like a veil.”
“Five flats in the key of g.”
I study to no avail.
“X equals negative b,
Plus or minus the square root
Of b squared minus four ac
Divided by....shoot.”
When you study in a panic
Your time just gets abused
I have a real strong feeling,
That none of that’s getting used.
I could cram for econ for an hour,
But a have dance til seven
I guess I could skip dinner
I’ll just eat when I’m in Heaven.
I studied bio at Panera,
It was loud and nothing got done,
Since my friends were on wiki how
Looking up “How to eat a sponge.”
I thought I'd study in transition
But I learned, spontaneously
That I still need to cram for Algebra
Can’t I study them simultaneously?
I need to cram for history
Get the facts before my thoughts scatter
Thank God for my band class
Since they know it doesn’t matter.
I’ll budget all my time
To work on that one essay
That just had to be assigned
When all our brains are filleted.
I could write two paragraphs real quick
And procrastinate the rest
Since we consider its worth
Less than that of a test.
That doesn’t change the fact
That I’m not learning when
I’m reading the same notes
Again and Again and Again.
I still have to memorize it
Despite my sorry state,
Just keep on freaking out
About the subjects that I hate.
Just keeping on dragging through it
No matter how much you want to cry!
Because I’ll just keep on stressing
Until one day I’ll just die!
You know,
I was happy, once
And I enjoyed learning, once
But now I just want it to stop.
Because I’ll keep going
No matter how much I feel like a prop
Because once I get to college
I’ll get out on top.
Then I’ll get a job!
And get no more grades
I’ll still be just as stressed,
But at least I’m getting paid!