If Then What

If Society didn’t speak 

Would you say it then? 

What’s on your mind 

How you really feel

We all have our opinions 

But how many are real? 

If Society couldn’t see 

Would you shame yourself 

Or realize you’re you 

Not everybody else? 

If Society couldn’t touch 

Maybe we wouldn’t be changed 

Trapped tagging along In its ridiculing game 

If Society could hear It’d be more than a concept 

It’d be living and breathing

And we lost the contest

If Society could smell

We’ve paid a great cost 

If it has human features 

It’s humans we lost 

To it

It is us 

And if then 

What would we be? 

What we are 

Are we?

Middletown High School North Student who loves to write. Sarah has two published books, The Silent Silhouettes and A Second Silence. Her third book, Raindrops, a book of poems, will be available on June 29th, 2019.

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