Trees Don't Have Ears

Thanks for leaving
She whispered to the wind
As if it would carry the message to him

I’m giving up
He said to the wall
As if it had hands to be there when he’d fall

I’ve let them down
I whined to a tree
As if a branch would come and comfort me

Words to the wind
And words to the wall
Worth as much as nothing at all
Speak to others
You might be surprised
That you get real responses
From a human with eyes
Most importantly ears
So that they hear
Your words
Because they matter
So don’t let them splatter
On the floor
(It won’t respond on an ordinary day)

Middletown High School North Student who loves to write. Sarah has two published books, The Silent Silhouettes and A Second Silence. Her third book, Raindrops, a book of poems, will be available on June 29th, 2019.

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