Red Rose

You are a tall red rose
I don’t need to see it to know what it is
Soft red petals
Still so bold
And a stern stem
All molded into one creation
Please forgive me, if, for this reason,
I left you standing in the field
If I picked you up
You’d be mine
But then you’d rot and wither
And I wouldn’t want to see you that way
When you could still be the flower in my imagination
Standing free
And more alive than ever before
And even when the time comes,
That all your petals have fallen
I have not seen them wither
And I know that you’re still the same red rose
That you were before
Just in a better place,
In my heart
A place with endless amounts of water,  sunlight, and love
So that you’ll never die

Middletown High School North Student who loves to write. Sarah has two published books, The Silent Silhouettes and A Second Silence. Her third book, Raindrops, a book of poems, will be available on June 29th, 2019.

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