Social Media and the News: How do they correlate?
- from Frankie Caraccio
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- South Rowan High School
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Before the days when the internet and social media reigned supreme, news got around solely via television, newspapers, and word-of-mouth. There was nothing quite nearly as instant, widespread, and easily accessible back in those days. Today, social media has given the news a platform like never before in history, one that people from all over the world can not just view and listen to, but digitally interact with as well.
Social media in its origins was created so that people across the globe could communicate with each other. Sites like FaceBook, Twitter, Snapchat, and Instagram are all tools people use on a daily basis to do just that. However, it is also a fantastic way for the news to get out because of how many people are on using these social media sites. Snapchat for example, has recently added “stories” that all users are able to see that are created by mainstream media (CNN, Fox, etc.) and other private corporations that provide the latest updates in news, fashion, sports, and pop culture. Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter also all have features where users can go live, and broadcast content with the entire world instantly; and that’s in addition to the already instant updates people tweet out or post online. Because of the speed of the internet, social media has made news a more instant aspect in our lives instead of having to wait for when the paper comes out or when a news show comes on.
Another impact social media has on journalism is the strong connection that the journalists are having with their readers. They are getting users involved to express their opinions, making it more engaging for them. This is especially prevalent with networks like Facebook and Twitter where people can comment directly and interact amongst each other. Less people are sitting around and watching the broadcasts on television and, instead they are hearing about it through social media and communicating with others about it online which in return, makes more people well-informed. This also gives people a break from all the extremely biased mass of news coverage that’s presented on television and instead provides them with other people just like them, whom they can communicate and discuss with. The fact that anybody can have access to the internet and social media gives the news a feature it never had before with its ability to connect others together.
Not only does social media give people the news in an untraditional, and more instant way, but it also makes the news incredibly more widespread than ever before. To access news stories before the days of social media, newspapers and news networks on TV and radio were the only reliable ways of getting the news. Now, literally any person with a mobile device or computer can reach coverage on thousands of news stories without having to pay a dime for television or a newspaper. The social media networks are also more appealing to younger generations to get the news, which allows for more and more people to see what’s going on in our world. Overall, social media is a tool that encourages a wider range of people to interact with news, and current events.
So how has social media impacted the news in our world today? Social media networks have given the news a platform like never before that reaches a wider range of people in a way that gets everybody stories instantly, and also in a way that allows for people to have a personal connection with the stories and other people who are viewing them at the same time. Social media has ultimately helped to evolve how the news is presented to the modern world.