Two Talented Girls: District Chorus 2017

Two Shanksville-Stonycreek High School Chorus members attended District Chorus January 11, 12, and 13 at Bedford High School, along with several other talented chorus students from the District 6 area.

District Chorus is an event held every year for outstanding choral students. Students that wish to participate have to audition and be selected to be a part of the District 6 Festival. Luckily two skilled singers from Shanksville,  Madison Walker and Alison Fidler, were picked to be a part of this choral event.

This year the event took place at Bedford High School. All rehearsals for the final concert were in the school’s auditorium, along with the ending concert on Friday, January 13.

There was much preparation for this event. Each student that was participating  was responsible for knowing and understanding the musical selections. With the help of Shanksville Choral Director Mrs. Cheryl Bush, the Shanksville District Chorus members knew their music well because of the several practices before, during, and after school.

The students were led by Guest Conductor, Dr. Mark Mecham.

At this festival, a second audition was held to determine participants of the Regional Chorus. Each singer had to sing small sections from two songs without accompaniment, and 12 outstanding singers from each vocal part were selected to participate in the next festival. Allison Fidler qualified for Regional Chorus, which will take place at the end of February.

After the second round of auditions and many hours of practicing, it was time for the singers to share their skills with family, friends and others that came to watch their final concert at the Bedford High School, January 13.

They performed nine powerful pieces together, and also memorized two songs in the course of the choirs two day practices.

 “I was blown away by how beautiful the music was and was honored to be a part of it,” exclaimed Allison Fidler.

The Shanksville-Stonycreek District Chorus members were able to share their talent alongside several other selected singers in the 2017 District Chorus Festival. Thanks to their countless hours of practicing and preparing, all the participating students were able to blend together to create a wonderful sounding concert.

Madison Walker is a Senior at the Shanksville-Stonycreek High School. She is the Student Council President, National Honor Society Vice President, writer for the school newspaper "Viklet",  member of Students Against Destructive Decisions, and Drama Club. Her extracurricular's include baton twirling for the New Centerville Spinnetts, Varsity Girls Soccer, and Track.  

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